
Thursday, 27 December 2012


When I first met her, she was very quiet. A shy smile covered her pale face. She looked like a pearl. I met her twenty days before the expected "End of the world". For her, the world had ended long before. Her name reminded me of a flower in a very green garden. She just sat there, listening to the stories of other strangers, who had gathered to share their knowledge. Knowledge about how it feels when your own body attacks you. When cells inside your body become your worst enemies. When there is evil living inside your brain, your kidney, your lungs...

I used to watch a TV-show, where the main character, the coolest Doctor ever used to say: It's not Lupus. I always found it funny, because it never was Lupus in eight seasons of the show. When I got my diagnosis, the neurologist started saying: It's not Lupus! (I smiled, I knew it never was Lupus...) But I had the impression, I should be very glad, even though I had no idea what this meant. 

But sometimes it is Lupus. The flower-named-lady who reminds me of a pearl has Lupus. And after talking to her, I felt I'd met a hero. She smiles while in constant pain! She speaks of love and hope, while waiting to die. She shows pictures of her beautiful children. The little boy, whom she had to let go because she can't take care of him anymore. She's got a gentle wit in the corner of her eyes. As if she was saying: just wait and see! I'm gonna be fine. She fights for her life. I met Wolverine. The Lupus-Lady.  A hero. 

Be Kind

we are always asked
to understand the other person's
no matter how
foolish or

one is asked
to view
their total error
their life-waste
especially if they are

but age is the total of
our doing.
they have aged
because they have
out of focus,
they have refused to

not their fault?

whose fault?

I am asked to hide
my viewpoint
from them
for fear of their

age is no crime

but the shame
of a deliberately

among so many

C. Bukowski

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Tuesday, 25 December 2012


I'm not afraid of diseases
or death. 
I'm not afraid of pain
or any kind of suffering.
I am afraid of Bitterness.
Once she got you
once she's entered your heart
and poisoned every cell of your fragile human body
once Bitterness got you
your soul is more than lost.

I've seen it happen.
I've seen jolly people turning dark,
getting cynical eyes
and sharp tongues
forming ice cold words
cutting people's throats just by looking at them.
Hugging you 
as if they wanted you dead,
looking at you
as if their unhappiness was your fault.
I've seen Bitterness gobble people up alive.
That's the only thing I'm afraid of.

Saturday, 22 December 2012


Like living in a huge bubble
time stands still. 
The days between Christmas and New Year's Eve
seem to be off the calendar.
And anxiously we count the hours
for the end to come
and a new year to begin
just to break all our promises
and do exactly the same again. 

Friday, 21 December 2012


You know that you're old
when nothing can surprise you anymore.


Sitting in the rain
feeling heavy raindrops on my shoulders
water soaking my hair
rain splashing on the sidewalk.

Sitting in the rain
feeling my pain ease
water washing my hurt soul
rain splashing on my wounds.

for better
or for worse.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Sometimes I picture my shrink 
punching you in your face and laughing. 
Of course he would never do that, 
he likes to keep his hands clean.


I used to be a stupid clown.
Believing in you, trusting and caring.
You were evil all the way we've walked together.
And it was a long way.
But one day even I did
see you for real.
Once I had opened my eyes,
and seen your dark soul
your rotten thoughts
your stone heart
your sadistic mind
and your lack of any decent feeling,
once I had realised all of this,
I've never been able to give you a real smile.
I've never been able to listen to you anymore.
I've never been able to care about you anymore.
I just feel pity for you.
And happy for finally seeing.
 I used to be a stupid clown.
No I'm an evil one.
What's better?

Master of Puppets

She is the master of puppets.
Everyone around her is controlled by strings,
she pushes and pulls and makes them dance. 
She loves her puppets and cares so much about them!
Every little movement is planned and claimed to be good natured. 
It's for their best! She knows so much better.

One puppet though, started to hate those strings.
This little puppet wanted to decide where to go
and what to do. It was sick of being pushed around.
One day she arrived and the puppet had cut its strings and run away.
How dare the puppet! It'll never know what to do!
It'll be confused. Lost. Uncontrolled! How dare it?

The puppet went to a land far away and started all over.
It learned that being pulled was easier than actually taking decisions.
It was hard in the beginning, but day after day the little puppet learned to follow its own will.
The other puppets kept on wondering why it had run away. How could this one live without the strings? Dancing and moving as the master of puppets pulled the strings, they started to hate the runaway puppet. And even though the runaway puppet was free, it still felt the strings pulling. 

No matter how far it went, it felt the strings. 
There was no escape.


Running running running
buying buying buying gifts.
Calling calling calling
writing writing writing cards.
Smiling smiling smiling
chasing chasing chasing time.

Do things we haven't done the whole year
speak to people we haven't spoken to for months
plan to meet and greet everyone on these last couple of days.

Listening to never ending Christmas songs in the radio
getting romantic while choosing a pair of shoes
donating for any charity to feel like a good person.

While the advertisements brainwash us
and the parking lots are crowded
and we run around sweating
trying to fulfill our duties
decorating our houses with a fake tree.

Running running running
buying buying buying gifts.
Calling calling calling
writing writing writing cards.
Smiling smiling smiling
chasing chasing chasing time.

What a Christmess


Happy Misery

The day people decided they must be happy
they signed their misery sentence.  
Bitter illusion
chasing them endlessly.
Sweet misery.


There are those moments of melancholy
where you lie in bed and are not awake yet
but you're not really sleeping.
You hear sounds from outside
people mumbling, birds chirping, cars passing.
You are in a half-conscious state of mind,
thinking of waking up for real
or going back to sleep.
There are those moments of melancholy
where you don't know if it's worth standing up
or if you'd better stay where you are.
If you stay in bed, you'll never know. 

Monday, 17 December 2012


Sie verfolgen mich
schwirren durch meine Gedanken
springen aus der Zeitung heraus und laufen über meinen Schreibtisch.
Sie wohnen in Büchern,
zu Tausenden aneinandergereiht!
Sie krabbeln aus den Lautsprechern
und fliegen durch die Wohnung.
Sie leben im Fernseher drin
und machen Lärm
viel unnötigen Lärm.
Sie krallen sich an meine Ohren und 
an meine Augen,
manchmal kann ich sie sogar riechen!
Schmecken tun sie. Bitter. 
Nach Tinte
und Papier.  
Sie glitzern und leuchten
sind kursiv oder fett oder gleich beides.
Oft sind sie so wichtig! So wichtig! So verdammt wichtig!
Und noch öfter so unnötig. So unnötig! So verdammt unnötig!

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Da steh ich nun
ich armer Tor
und bin noch dümmer 
als zuvor.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Zeitlose Zeitreise der Zeitgeister,
die die Zeit verloren haben
und ihr Ziel nicht kennen.
Ziellose Geisterreisen der Zeit. 

Will Be

We were
what you are
we are
what you will be.


Here you are
after years hiding behind a wall
facing places and people
you've never seen before.

Here you are
standing in the rain
feeling helpless and threatened
by all the choices you got.

Here you stand
being blunt and aggressive 
hurting and disappointing everyone
for no reason at all.

Here you stand
looking around timidly
wondering what to do
feeling completely lost.

Here you are
hiding your fear
behind a thick wall of arrogance
pretending you're fine. 

Monday, 10 December 2012

Alone With Everybody

the flesh covers the bone 
and they put a mind 
in there and 
sometimes a soul, 
and the women break 
vases against the walls 
and the men drink too 
and nobody finds the 
but keep 
crawling in and out 
of beds. 
flesh covers 
the bone and the 
flesh searches 
for more than 

there's no chance 
at all: 
we are all trapped 
by a singular 

nobody ever finds 
the one. 

the city dumps fill 
the junkyards fill 
the madhouses fill 
the hospitals fill 
the graveyards fill 

nothing else 
C. Bukowski

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


And you know what? 
Wherever you are: remember that I am not thinking about you!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Nothing Else


Freedom to believe 
in whatever you believe.
Freedom to go 
wherever you want to go.
Freedom to speak out loud.
Freedom to love whom you love.
Freedom to work
and study
and decide what to do with your life.
Nothing else matters.


Where people see darkness,
I see colours.
When people think
 I gave up,
I'm actually
 just beginning.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Warm Feet

I want to walk on warm sand


I want to jump in 
and drift away. 

No Chance

You try so hard to do it differently
and in the end
life is a never ending repetition
of rights and wrongs. 

Thursday, 29 November 2012


The same hug that comforts you
might prevent you from leaving.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Warm-water-people are those, 
who do not have any opinion on any subject.
Those who do not like anything or dislike anything.
Those who have no story to tell
and are not even good at listening.
Those who taste like warm water,
useless, tasteless, purposeless.

Hot water is great for tea
cold water great against the thirst.
What the hell should I do with warm water? 
It's too warm to refresh and 
too cold to brew anything.

So, if you are a living creature
and you do not have any opinion,
if there isn't anything you enjoy doing,
or anything you hate doing,
if there is just nothing that would make you a real person:

please stay away from me!
If you get too close:
either I'll throw you in the oven to heat up,
or I'll throw you in the fridge to cool down.
Warm-water-people are just useless.

Where the Sidewalk Ends

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.
 by Shel Silverstein

Monday, 26 November 2012


So everything comes to an end
and the more you once have loved
the more you hate afterwards
and you wish for things
you had never ever imagined before.

So do not tell me
you'd never ever...
it'll always be so much different!
Just sit and wait
and do not act surprised.

Guarani Kaiowa

We read about them in history books.
Read about invasions and killings.
About tribes fighting for survival.
But we do not realise this fight is still on.
It's been happening for  500 years now,
every day with newer weapons.
And somehow they still live
and somehow they still fight
and somehow they still hope.
And somehow most of us don't even have a clue.
How come?

Sunday, 25 November 2012


You tell me not to do it
but you've done it!
You tell me not to say it
but you've said it!
And you keep on judging me
and pointing your finger at me
telling me exactly the opposite 
of what you've done.

And you keep on wondering
why I don't obey.

And I keep on wondering
how hypocritical one can be.


Friday, 23 November 2012


Look at her.
She is made of sin. 
Her eyes are a constant invitation
to taste her, dark and deep.
Her dark curly hair framing
her dangerous face.
Moving smoothly like a snake
she is prepared to get you
and devour you.
Licking her shiny red lips. 
Her body surrounding you.
Slowly coming closer
whispering in your ear
things you love to hear.
Watery lust.
There is no escape.
Lay down.
Let her have you.
Look at her.
She is made of sin.
You are the sinner.


I wish you

Time Machine

It's his 60iest birthday party:
he's got less hair and more wrinkles.
Less strength and more fatigue.
But then the DJ turns the music on!
And it's like a journey to the past.
Shaking to the sound of Led Zeppelin
his body gets younger with every song. 
In the end he shakes his hair
and jumps up and down
laughs and hugs and sings as if he was 18 again.
As if there was no tomorrow.
Maybe there isn't.


Clueless looking in the mirror,
with endless questions
whirring inside my head.

Which one is right?
What's the best?
What if?

Searching for answers,
and the more I search, the less I know
and the less I know, the more I search.

Clueless running in circles
trying to decide
what's less bad.

Because bad it is already.

Thursday, 22 November 2012


And suddenly you look at him:
 who's been by your side for half of your life.
The one who has held you when you were falling,
kissed your cheeks when you were crying,
listened to your screams when you were angry.
The one who has fought for you
against others
and against yourself.
And suddenly you look at him:
and fall in love again.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Sitting here again
watching the news 
telling me old stories
in colourful shadows
showing over and over again
that old people die
and new ones are born
doing exactly the same
in different colours.

Same Shit

You go and see the world
you meet people
and take pictures.
You go and see the world
and realise
it's the same everywhere.



Thursday, 15 November 2012



They ask me where I've been,
And what I've done and seen.
But what can I reply
Who know it wasn't I,
But someone just like me,
Who went across the sea
And with my head and hands
Killed men in foreign lands...
Though I must bear the blame,
Because he bore my name. 

Wilfred Gibson 

And things just never change.

Über den Wolken...

muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein.
Alle Ängste alle Sorgen,
sagt man,
scheinen nichtig und klein.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


We were,
 what you are
we are,
 what you will be.


Under sunlight
everything gets lighter.
As if your worries could melt away
and the warm sun touching your skin
told you things will be fine.


I feel sorry for you who live up there
in countries full of shopping malls and grey houses,
your streets are as sterile as your hearts.  
The darkness of your winters has eaten your soul
and there is no sunlight in your rare smile.
You are rich and drive colourful expensive cars
while your trees got no flowers
and your birds are mute.
You've learned your traditions on a TV show
and worry about the colour of your nail polish.
Your credit cards do not hug you
and your feet have never danced for real.

You pity us,
calling us
third world.

I feel sorry for you.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Vainless Sense
Senseless Vain
Vain in Sense
No Sense in Vain
Things in Vain
No Sense.
No, sense.