Saturday, 30 June 2012
The bright moon spreading cold over the land
the heavy quilt covering you
the merciless alarm clock ringing.
One more day of greyness
following the rules
and being punctual for the funerals.
Your funerals
'cause you're dying every second
the cold froze people's hearts
and made their mind harden like a concrete block.
The glorious country
of discipline and bad history
got a floor covered in blood
and energy that makes you feel
horrible gravity sucking you down
and down you go every step you take
functioning like clockwork.
German clockwork
merciless alarm clocks
telling you, you did wrong
not enough, not in time
squeezing your lungs
and breathless you fear
this nightmare could be real life.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
I tuck my thumbs into your eyes and crush them,
till the liquid flows out of your eyeballs down your cheeks.
I tuck my forefingers into your nose
and pull so strong that I rip your skin open
and see the bones covered by a stream of poisoned blood.
I'll hit your chin with my head and repeat it until
you've lost each and every stinky teeth of your foul mouth.
I'll get a sharp knife and cut your clothes into pieces
so you stand there naked,
bleeding and groaning like a half dead dog.
I see me doing this
and then I smile
and say hello.
I Will Win
Never ever
will I admit
to have lost.
Never ever
will I give up
this hopeless fight.
Who is better?
Who is stronger?
Who stands longer?
It'll go on and on
as long as the earth spins
as long as the sky is blue
and the oceans are wet.
It'll go on and on
as long as my heart beats
as long as my lungs breathe
and my veins carry blood.
It'll go on and on
and nothing
and nobody
will stop me.
But death.
The Stone
The ones who shine the brightest
got the darkest souls
glowing in the night
like a fire bug
but in the end
they're just ugly insects.
The ones who apparently don't shine
got their brightness buried
hidden in their inside
like an amethyst
once you crack it open
everything around you shines.
The ones who look at it
choose the bright shine
instead of the grey stone
and when the insect dies
only darkness remains.
You should have taken the stone.
You should have known!
You should have taken the stone.
You should have known!
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Hour Glass
Stop it!
Please hold it!
It's running so fast...
I run and run and never reach it.
Yesterday was ten years ago.
Tomorrow flies by.
When I start to do something
it's already over.
It's rushing more and more.
Can't you slow it down?
I can't breathe anymore.
I feel like sand
my feet are itchy.
Why is it dark?
I can't hear anything.
I can't move.
I don't see anymore.
Now there is nothing.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Get Real
If you could see yourself
for real
you would be
so fucking embarrassed.
Gladly you don't
you live in a protected bubble
everyone telling you how great you are
'cause they don't have the guts to tell you
how ridiculous
how weak
how ugly
how annoying
you are.
The Forgotten Window
A dirty window in an empty house
reflecting the sunlight
and the large building across the street.
New buildings made of glass and steel
glass like this forgotten window
that has welcomed the sun and the rain
for dozens of years
that has been opened for fresh air
and closed to protect against the cold.
The window that has been next to the front door
watching the street
greeting the neighbours.
The forgotten white window
watching people with orange helmets
ripping everything apart
carrying everything away.
Nothing is left
but memories
reflected on a dirty white window.
The forgotten window.
On white days he was the nicest man on the planet. He stood up early to walk around the neighbourhood and check if everything was alright. Neighbours loved him for that, as burglars were scared of him. They knew him and his gun too well. He smiled and joked the whole day, bought ice cream for each kid and invited friends for lunch and prepared yummy barbecues. He talked and laughed and hugged and kissed and looked like the sun. As if earth was spinning around him, he was a magnet. His presence made everything feel so comfortable and perfect. As if nothing could go wrong, because he was there. In his bright honey-coloured eyes you could see in one glance his wit. When you hugged him you felt a sailor's strength. Covered with tattoos he never told the stories of his journeys. They remained secret. Not even Popeye, the huge tattoo that covered his arm from elbow to wrist, let you know what he had seen. He had made a pact with Popeye to remain silent. Popeye kept his promise, while his owner spoke fluently five languages and was always surrounded by admirers, who listened to his warm, strong voice, telling stories from the land, but never from the sea.
This tattooed man who carried a gun, sat down on the kitchen table to teach me patiently how to paint with water colours. His strong hands holding the brush, stroking the white paper, created beautiful landscapes with dark green trees and wide beaches.
I wished I could one day be like him.
On black days he was the roughest man on the planet. He stood up late in the afternoon to walk around the house and get what he needed. His family hated him for that and were scared of him. They knew him and his rage too well. He did not speak, only muttered senseless words to himself. Nobody came close. Even he was distant from himself. It was as if he was a black hole, a horrible dark magnet that could suck you in and you would disappear. His presence made everything feel so cold and painful. As if everything would go wrong, because he was there. In his dull mud-coloured eyes you could see in one glance his sick soul. You could not dare hug him. Not even Popeye moved, the huge tattoo that covered his arm from elbow to wrist, seemed smaller and scared. If Popeye could, he would leave this cold body. But he had made a pact with his master, so he remained silent. His owner spent the day in his bedroom, only to leave to get more. He was grey and tiny and unfriendly, surrounded by a dark cloud of evil. He was stuck in this cloud and could not see what lay beyond it. He heard whispers and shut his door. Out! Whatever was in his way, was pulled away with harsh movements and mean words. Out! Let me be!
This tattooed man who did not carry a gun on these days, sat down on the sofa to find his bottles, we had emptied and hidden. His shaky hands tried desperately to find what he needed.
He carried black and white inside him. They fought constantly to see which one would get out.
I wished I would never be like him.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
The day Spot climbed
Scene 1
A green gate covered by dark green leaves of huge exotic trees with weird gigantic seeds falling down a large property of an old, untended house.
Scene 2
Three big puppies barking between the fence waggling their colourful tails. Barking nonstop - Look at us! We are cute and healthy and want attention! Look at us! We're nice and friendly and will be good dogs! Somebody?
Scene 3 1/2
A white puppy with large brown spots and a pink nose climbing a fence, squeezing through the fence bars. Plop! On the sidewalk. Waggling tail, walking around happily. Free! Finally free! It's so much cooler on the streets.
Scene 3 3/4
A man in a red car entering a crooked street in a hurry. The sun reflects on his engine hood.
Scene 4
The girl walking down the crooked sidewalk, smiling in the sun, carrying the yellow bag of dog food -Pedigree Junior - sees the puppy.
Scene 5
Zoom: The white puppy with large brown spots and a pink nose lying motionless on the floor. A red puddle around his head.
A green gate covered by dark green leaves of huge exotic trees with weird gigantic seeds falling down a large property of an old, untended house.
Scene 2
Three big puppies barking between the fence waggling their colourful tails. Barking nonstop - Look at us! We are cute and healthy and want attention! Look at us! We're nice and friendly and will be good dogs! Somebody?
Scene 3
A girl walking down a crooked sidewalk, smiling in the sun, carrying a yellow bag of dog food. Pedigree Junior. R$ 10.40.
Scene 3 1/2
A white puppy with large brown spots and a pink nose climbing a fence, squeezing through the fence bars. Plop! On the sidewalk. Waggling tail, walking around happily. Free! Finally free! It's so much cooler on the streets.
Scene 3 3/4
A man in a red car entering a crooked street in a hurry. The sun reflects on his engine hood.
Scene 4
The girl walking down the crooked sidewalk, smiling in the sun, carrying the yellow bag of dog food -Pedigree Junior - sees the puppy.
Scene 5
Zoom: The white puppy with large brown spots and a pink nose lying motionless on the floor. A red puddle around his head.
Scene 6
A small and ugly man with a black cap arrives at the house he's been living in. One of the three puppies lies dead in front of the gate. He takes a black plastic bag and his shovel.
Scene 7
Two little puppies in a large property barking and digging a hole in the ground underneath the huge tree.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Der Tag an dem mein Körper da blieb
Der Flug ist weg. Mein Flug ist weg. Ohne mich?! Ich stand doch hier und habe gewartet. Die ganze Zeit!! Ballons, Willkommenstorte, Abschiedstränen, ich fühle wie ich falle, ganz tief. Alles dreht sich, ich sehe Menschen, meine Freunde, die neuen und die alten, alles dreht sich im Kreis. Mein Herz tut weh, mein Hals schnürt sich zu. Ich sehe wie die Frau die Lippen bewegt. Spricht sie mit mir? Wirre Gedanken schwirren in meinem Kopf herum. Mir ist schwindelig, meine Knie sind weich. Ich stehe nur da. Ich sehe wie meine zwei großen, roten Koffer mit je 32 Kilo im Flugzeugbauch verscharrt sind unter hunderten von anderen Koffern, deren Besitzer im Flugzeug sitzen und sich auf die 12 Stunden Flug vorbereiten. Meine Koffer! Alles was ich habe, mein Leben, meine letzten 10 Monate sind drin! Ich falle immer noch. Meine Vergangenheit, mein Haus, meine Familie wirbeln an mir vorbei. Das neue Land, indem ich die letzten Monate verbracht habe, die Menschen und Orte die nun ein Teil von mir sind, alles dreht sich mit. Wie ein Blatt im Wind. Ohne Halt, ohne Richtung, ohne irgendeine Ahnung stehe ich am Flughafen und schaue die Frau an, die mir sagt, der Flug ist weg. Mein Flug ist weg. Ohne mich.
Wochenlang habe ich überlegt, geh ich zurück? Bleibe ich hier? Was wird aus uns? Kommt er nach? Verlieren wir uns? Nach wochenlangem Grübeln und unzählbaren Gesprächen mit allen die mir zuhören wollten oder nicht, hatte ich die Entscheidung getroffen zurückzugehen. Zurück zu meiner Familie, meinen Plänen, meinem Land. Zurück zu meiner Zukunft. Ich wollte an die Uni, Sprachen studieren. Deswegen war ich ja hergekommen, um die Sprache zu lernen und danach an die Uni gehen zu können. Abi in der Tasche, Reiselust und ein paar Tausend Euro hatten es mir damals einfach gemacht. Mein Vorhaben hätte auch wunderbar funktioniert. So ist das, habe ich inzwischen gelernt. Man macht Pläne und das Leben gibt einem einen Arschtritt. Zack! Hier bleibst du nicht! Haha, so stellst du dir das vor? Nö! Wird nix! Ich verstehe, das klingt alles sehr nach Klischee: Junge Deutsche reist in ein fremdes Land und lernt die Liebe ihres Lebens kennen. Siehe weiße Massai (In dem Fall war`s ne Schweizerin, aber in Sachen Romantik sind wir da sowieso gleich). Oder Tausend andere schnulzige Geschichten. Fakt ist, solche Sachen passieren. Und in echt fühlt sich alles sehr dramatisch an.
Zum Beispiel, hatte ich eine Abschiedsparty geplant, nachdem ich es endlich geschafft hatte bei dieser bescheuerten Airline einen Flug zu buchen. War alles nicht so einfach. Die Airline steckte anscheinend in irgendeiner Krise, die mir ziemlich egal war. Bald würde ich eine Krise kriegen, wenn ich kein Ticket bekäme. Ich wollte es endlich hinter mich bringen, mich von meiner neuen großen Liebe geographisch zu trennen. Also, nach 3 Tagen Dauerstreit mit irgendwelchen unverschämten Angestellten dieser Airline hatte ich ein Ticket. Die Abschiedsparty war in einem Irish Pub, sehr angesagt und beliebt für Abschiedspartys. Es war zu der Zeit sehr modern für die jungen Leute der Mittelschicht für eine Weile ins Ausland zu gehen. Es gab also öfter Abschiedspartys in diesem Irish Pub, dessen Besitzer eigentlich aus Nordirland kam, also ein Brite war. Viele gingen ja auch wirklich nach Irland oder England (was hier nicht wirklich groß unterschieden wird). In diesem Pub konnte man die Lounge mieten, mit breiten, abgenutzten Ledersofas und nem urigen Holztisch in der Mitte. Gleich daneben: die Bar und der Billiardtisch. Sehr gediegen. Hab ich dann gemietet. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, dass so viele Leute gekommen sind. Die ständigen Fragen, wie es denn weitergehen würde, ob wir zusammenbleiben wollten, wer denn wohin ziehen würde, machten mir aber schwer zu schaffen.
Ich kannte ihn erst seit 8 Monaten, konnte mir aber seltsamerweise ein Leben ohne ihn nicht mehr vorstellen. Ich fragte mich sowieso, wie ich es geschafft hatte ohne ihn solange auf der Welt zu sein. Plötzlich kam mir der Gedanke, dass ich sein Leben kannte, seine Familie, seine Freunde, sein Zuhause. Aber er kannte nichts von mir. Er konnte meine Sprache nicht, hatte keine Ahnung wer meine Familie, geschweige denn wie mein Zuhause war. Er hatte noch nie Schnee gesehen oder Brezel gegessen und mit Fasching, Weihnachtsmärkten oder “Betreten-Verboten-Schildern” konnte er erst recht nichts anfangen. Würde das gut gehen? Würde ich ihm noch gefallen, nachdem er das alles kennengelernt hatte? Bin ich in meiner Heimat eine ganz andere Person? Wie würde er sich fühlen, in einem kalten Land, wo alle leise reden und er sowieso kein Wort versteht? Das alles ging mir durch den Kopf, als plötzlich ein Freund von mir an meiner Schulter zieht. Er zieht so fest, dass ich vom Sofa falle. Ich höre Schreie und spüre etwas auf meinen Haaren. Dieser Freund, Ezequiel, hält meinen Kopf und drückt mich auf den Boden. Was sich wie eine verwirrende Ewigkeit anfühlte, kann höchstens 30 Sekunden gedauert haben. Als ich mich aufrappele, verstehe ich. Das Dach ist eingestürzt! Genau da, wo ich auf dem gediegenen Sofa saß, ist das Dach eingestürzt. Es liegt Schutt auf dem Sofa, Gipsplatten, Ziegel und Staub. Ein großes Loch ragt an der Zimmerdecke und man sieht den Vollmond.
Schlechtes Omen. Ich hätte es wissen müssen. Seit ich das Ticket gebucht hatte, lief alles schief. Sogar nie gesehene schwarze Katzen liefen mir über den Weg. Ich habe meinen kleinen Spiegel zerbochen, den ich wie jede Frau hier in meiner Tasche ständig bei mir trug. Und auf der Abschiedsparty war das Dach eingestürzt. Zum Glück hatte sich keiner verletzt. Ein Wink des Schicksals? Eine Warnung? Eigentlich war ich nie abergläubisch, aber nach einer Reihe von Dingen die mir passiert waren, ertappte ich mich dabei, wie ich bekannte Unglückbringer zu vermeiden versuchte.
Also, stand ich zitternd am Flughafen und starrte die Frau an. Was mache ich jetzt? Ich gehe zurück zum Schalter. Schaue verwirrt auf die ganzen Schalternummern und beschließe, meinen Freund anzurufen. Ich kann es nicht fassen, dass ich noch hier bin. Mir kommt es vor als würde ich irgendwo in der Luft hängen ohne festem Boden unter den Füßen. Also, irgendwie so, als ob mein Körper zwar hier stehen würde, aber meine Seele im Flugzeug baumelte. Mit meinem kleinen Rollkoffer, schaffe ich es irgendwie zu einer Telefonkabine. Hier sind es ja eigentlich keine Kabinen, sondern nur ein Telefon mit einem runden Dach darüber. Ich wähle seine Handynummer 99190344. Mit zitternden Händen klammere ich mich an den Hörer und, als ich seine weiche Stimme höre, sage ich mit brüchiger Stimme: Felipe? Kommst du bitte zum Flughafen?
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Big Pretender
Let's just pretend
for a little while
we like each other.
Let's pretend we really care
let's be nice and gentle.
Let's forget we're just rubbing at each other's body
because we're nothing more than horny animals
using each other to satisfy our most primitive instincts.
Let's be loving and caring
just for a few more minutes.
I know it's not real
but it would feel good for a little longer.
Just a few seconds.
Then you stand up,
get your pants and walk away.
I see you naked
covered in sweat
breathing heavily.
I see you sweating
because of me
moaning excitedly
closing your eyes
touching me
driving me crazy
making me dizzy
and making me beg for more.
Give me more,
I can't get enough of you.
Don't stop!
Don't you ever stop!
What's your name again?
Rare Condition
I suffer from Thoughts.
It's a chronic condition and no remedy heals it.
Thoughts overcome me any moment, anywhere
and nobody knows how to stop it.
It's a very rare condition.
I've consulted many physicians but nobody knew what to do.
They said, I've got to learn to live with my condition.
So I just live like a normal person
and when thoughts overcome me
and make my mind shake
and make me feel miserable
and make me feel different
I just wait for the attack to pass.
I suffer from Thoughts
but I'm ok with it.
Nostalgia is poisonous like a spider's venom.
It tells you lies about what happened.
It is our mind's own Photoshop,
erasing the ugly and highlighting the beauty.
It makes you believe yesterday was better than it was.
And you'll always feel your present is worse
and you hang in the past
like a fly in a spider web.
Don't let the spider get you.
Joyfull Endlessness
Endless greyness
hopeless loneliness
lightless darkness
wantless German winter.
Endless blueness
crowded flowered trees
shiny light
joyfull Brazilian winter.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
I can't help it
I am surrounded by them
where people see flowers I see words!
Where people feel pain
I feel words
where people eat food
I gobble books
and drink poetry
and get hickups
words trying to come out of me.
Out of my mouth and eyes
out of my ears
and they use my fingers
and make them hammer the keyboard
and form words
that form sentences
that form texts
and I can't help it
I am surrounded by them
and they are stronger than me.
Desire Bridge
I grab the desire in your eyes
and crawl on it as if it were a bridge
directly into your heart
there I rip it out
and smash it on the ground
and take a bath in your blood
laughing hysterically
laughing diabolically
about your stupidity.
So scharf wie ein Messer.
Mit Bosheit gewetzt.
So zart wie ein Kuss.
In Leidenschaft getränkt.
So verzweifelt wie ein Selbstmord.
Von Hoffnungslosigkeit gepackt.
So unschuldig wie ein Neugeborenes.
Durch Unerfahrenheit rein.
So sanft wie ein Wiegenlied.
Mit Vorsicht umhüllt.
So hart wie ein Stein.
Mit Gemeinheit geschliffen.
So groß wie die Welt.
Durch ein Herz betrachtet.
So weit wie der Mond.
Von Sehnsucht benebelt.
So gefährlich wie nichts anderes,
so schön wie nichts anderes,
so stark wie nichts anderes,
ist es.
Eu ouvi no meu silêncio o prenúncio de teus passos
Penetrando lentamente as solidões da minha espera
E tu eras, Coisa Linda, me chegando dos espaços
Como a vinda impressentida de uma nova primavera.
Vinhas cheia de alegria, coroada de guirlandas
Com sorrisos onde havia burburinhos de água clara
Cada gesto que fazias semeava uma esperança
E existiam mil estrelas nos olhares que me davas.
Ai de mim, eu pus-me a amar-te, pus-me a amar-te mais ainda
Porque a vida no meu peito se fizera num deserto
E tu apenas me sorrias, me sorrias, Coisa Linda
Como a fonte inacessível que de súbito está perto.
Pelas rútilas ameias do teu riso entreaberto
Fui subindo, fui subindo no desejo de teus olhos
E o que vi era tão lindo, tão alegre, tão desperto
Que do alburno do meu tronco despontaram folhas novas.
Eu te juro, Coisa Linda: vi nascer a madrugada
Entre os bordos delicados de tuas pálpebras meninas
E perdi-me em plena noite, luminosa e espiralada
Ao cair no negro vórtice letal de tuas retinas.
E é por isso que eu te peço: resta um pouco em minha vida
Que meus deuses estão mortos, minhas musas estão findas
E de ti eu só quisera fosses minha primavera
E só espero, Coisa Linda, dar-te muitas coisas lindas...
Penetrando lentamente as solidões da minha espera
E tu eras, Coisa Linda, me chegando dos espaços
Como a vinda impressentida de uma nova primavera.
Vinhas cheia de alegria, coroada de guirlandas
Com sorrisos onde havia burburinhos de água clara
Cada gesto que fazias semeava uma esperança
E existiam mil estrelas nos olhares que me davas.
Ai de mim, eu pus-me a amar-te, pus-me a amar-te mais ainda
Porque a vida no meu peito se fizera num deserto
E tu apenas me sorrias, me sorrias, Coisa Linda
Como a fonte inacessível que de súbito está perto.
Pelas rútilas ameias do teu riso entreaberto
Fui subindo, fui subindo no desejo de teus olhos
E o que vi era tão lindo, tão alegre, tão desperto
Que do alburno do meu tronco despontaram folhas novas.
Eu te juro, Coisa Linda: vi nascer a madrugada
Entre os bordos delicados de tuas pálpebras meninas
E perdi-me em plena noite, luminosa e espiralada
Ao cair no negro vórtice letal de tuas retinas.
E é por isso que eu te peço: resta um pouco em minha vida
Que meus deuses estão mortos, minhas musas estão findas
E de ti eu só quisera fosses minha primavera
E só espero, Coisa Linda, dar-te muitas coisas lindas...
Monday, 4 June 2012
Shadow Man
Barefoot standing in the rain he was
darker than the night
juggling three oranges
smiling to those who came fast
in colourful metal shells.
Standing in the rain he was afraid
of the metal shells and those inside
who could feed him or hurt him
or worse: pretend he didn't exist.
Just a shadow of a man.
In the rain he was afraid of
sleeping and getting sick again
under the dirty noisy bridge
sniffling glue to live one more day
like a cockroach between garbage.
He was afraid of dying
without anybody noticing it
under the dirty noisy bridge
crushed down by glue-wanters or
police-bat-holders or himself.
Barefoot standing in the rain he was
darker than the night
juggling three oranges
smiling to those who had to halt
on the red traffic sign.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Peaceful piece of happiness
under warm sunlight
covered by blue sky
crossed by green birds
picking pink fruits.
This purple dessert
tastes of wine and Italian immigrants
and the black beans tell me the tale
of black slaves crossing the sea in chains.
This sea has been crossed
by so many
for so many reasons.
I am a traveller from the past
who crosses the sea
to find a new home in a land
that is said to be the future.
It is a young ship
on stormy water
with no compass on board
protected by blue sky
crossed by green birds
picking pink fruits.
My sparkling white soul
waves in the wind
like the ship's sails
foreseeing a fantastic future.
Friday, 1 June 2012
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