
Friday, 28 September 2012

Licht im Schatten

Es gibt Tage, an denen sich ein Leben für immer verändert. Tage an denen etwas ausschlaggebendes geschieht, Dinge wie einen Schulabschluss machen, die eigene Hochzeit oder die Geburt des ersten Kindes. Kleine Meilensteine in der Laufbahn eines jeden Menschen. Momente, von denen man Fotos in Alben klebt und über die man immer wieder spricht. 

Es gibt für manche Menschen aber auch den Tag, an dem eine Person in einem weißen Kittel vor dir sitzt und mit den Lippen Wörtern formt, die in Zeitlupe den Rest deines Lebens beschreiben. Du siehst wie sich die Lippen deines Gegenübers bewegen, du hörst Geräusche und siehst in verständnisvolle Augen, die mit einem gewissen Mitleid versuchen dir zu erklären, warum du doppelt siehst. Warum deine Arme einschlafen, warum deine Knie nachgeben, warum du hier im Krankenhaus liegst und aussiehst wie ein Sieb wegen der unzähligen Untersuchungen die mit dir gemacht wurden. 

Du starrst auf den weißen Kittel. Dein Arzt heißt “Guerreiro”, das heißt Krieger. Du lächelst. Die Wörter “autoimmun”, “degenerativ”, “normales Leben”, schwirren wie betrunkene Vögel durchs Zimmer. Du denkst an einen Schulfreund, der dieselbe Krankheit hatte und schon lange tot ist. Du denkst an die Kinder, die du bekommen wolltest und stellst dir deinen Mann vor, wie er alleine vor einem Grabstein steht. Normales Leben, sagt der Mann im weißen Kittel. Und spricht von Medizin. Von Spritzen und Therapien. Er sagt, dass ich wahrscheinlich nicht im Rollstuhl landen werde. Wahrscheinlich werde ich laufen können. Ich kann alt werden, aber eben nicht so alt wie meine Freunde. Ich kann Kinder bekommen, aber vielleicht werden auch sie diese Krankheit erben. Der Mann im weißen Kittel ist freundlich und verständnisvoll. Man weiß es noch nicht so genau, was es so auf sich hat mit dieser Krankheit. Es gibt viele Theorien.  

Seit meiner Begegnung mit dem netten Mann im weißen Kittel, hängt ein großer schwarzer Name über meinem Kopf. Alles was ich tue oder denke, steht im Schatten meiner Krankheit. Dieser Schatten begleitet mich und tränkt alles was ich erlebe in eine andere Farbe. In meinem Leben werde ich nun viel Licht brauchen, um gegen diesen großen Schatten anzukämpfen. Seit einigen Jahren wohne ich in einem Land, in dem es an Licht und Sonne nie fehlt. Zufall? Schicksal? Ich ernenne das Licht zu meinem ständigen Begleiter. Ich werde hier ein normales Leben führen, mit einer degenerativen Autoimmunerkrankung.


Some people are stones,
others are sponges.
Stones do not get wet,
but sponges dry out.

The best would be a sponge inside
and a stone outside
or the opposite?

The thing is:
 stay out of the rain.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Still Standing


Your youth just walked out the door
and took your dreams with it.
Your health broke up with you last week. 
So here you stand, wrinkling in pain.
Wondering what to do.
Wondering where to go.

Monday, 24 September 2012


White Lilies and Roses imbue the air 
with a magic smell of freedom
while the cello and violins play the song of love and joy.

Guests hold their hands with sparkling wet eyes 
feeling a slight pressure on their chest
touched by a moment where time stands still 
and things are just good 
and good they will be.

This enchanting night enlightened by white candles 
and surrounded by little white flowers 
being caressed by the fresh summer breeze 
waiting for the bride to come and shine brighter than the light.
The officiators speaking words of love and respect with a firm voice 
reminding us all of things that really matter.

And love matters 
and family 
and faith
and hope spreads among us like a million butterflies
and then I see it: the train of her wedding dress
and people stand up and the magic begins.

Like from another world
she steps down the aisle
smiling the purest smile of all
sparkling like a diamond
looking at her  beloved man.

This magic bride walks
as if there were clouds underneath her
as if she were in heaven
and God were right there
touching her face
and wishing her the best
because she deserves it.

White Lilies and Roses imbue the air 
with a magic smell of freedom
while the cello and violins play the song of love and joy
and my tears sparkle in the candle light
and things are just good 
and good they will be.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


It's a stupid cliché
until it becomes your real life.

Suddenly things matter
and living each day as if it was your last one
starts making sense
because each day
could actually be your last one.

But you know what? 
Everyone's day could be the last one!
So what?

Monday, 17 September 2012

After Rain

by Edward Thomas (1878 – 1917)
The rain of a night and a day and a night
Stops at the light
Of this pale choked day. The peering sun
Sees what has been done.
The road under the trees has a border new
of purple hue
Inside the border of bright thin grass:
For all that has
Been left by November of leaves is torn
From hazel and thorn
And the greater trees. Throughout the copse
No dead leaf drops
On grey grass, green moss, burnt-orange fern,
At the wind's return:
The leaflets out of the ash-tree shed
Are thinly spread
In the road, like little black fish, inlaid,
As if they played.
What hangs from the myriad branches down there
So hard and bare
Is twelve yellow apples lovely to see
On one crab-tree.
And on each twig of every tree in the dell
Crystals both dark and bright of the the rain
That begins again.


Wo viel Licht ist, 
ist starker Schatten.


No matter what shape I become
you only see the same old triangle.

I might have lost my edges and become a circle.
I might have grown a new edge and become a rectangle.
But no matter what I do
you see a fucking triangle.


May this never ending torrential rain
wash away my sorrows
and wipe my memory of those beloved ones
who have betrayed me again and again
and still smile at me pretending they care.

May this never 

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Favourite Colour


I wish 
there was

a colour 
darker than black
it would be my favourite one. 

The Same

The same arms that hug you
will strangle you.

The same hands that hold you
will slap you.

The same lips that kiss you
will yell at you.

The same words that comfort you
will break you in pieces. 

In the end
there will be nothing left
but broken dreams
and the certainty
that life is a nightmare
with short moments of happiness.
Just face it
and fall asleep again.

Keep your enemies in your pocket.

If you stand tall
With your back
To the door
Then it's
Your own fault
When you get knocked
To the floor
You may have
Fooled me once
But I've got
A pretty damn
Good memory

It's a small world
What a type cliché
But it's a small world
How many times can I say
That everything
You do will end up
Coming right back
Around again

And if you don't know
That by now
Then I feel quite
Sorry for you
I'm sorry for you
The people
That you keep around
You learn from them
And they learn from you

So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket
Keep your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

When you just
Might start
To melt them down
I come around
So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

It's a long haul
To the front of the line
And you get there
In your own sweet time
But there's
Always somebody
Who decides
To cut right
In front of you

A wide eye
Looking for
A ticket to ride
It's a long night
I hope you make it
Out alive
You can't spend
Your whole life
Worrying about
What's behind you

And if you don't know
That by now
Then I feel quite
Sorry for you
I'm sorry for you
The people
That you keep around
You learn from them
And they learn from you

So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket
Keep your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

When you just
Might start
To melt them down
I come around
So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

And it's
A lively colour
Not black and white
But some people think
They're the ones
Who got it right
In a room so full
You have to be
A little more flexible

And if you don't know
That by now
Then I feel quite
Sorry for you
I'm sorry for you
The people
That you keep around
You learn from them
And they learn from you

So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket
Keep your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

When you
Just might start
To melt them down
I come around
So keep
Your friends close
And your enemies
In your pocket

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Tomorrow is far away,
yesterday even more.
Today is running by
and you never run fast enough to catch up. 
It's a battle you start knowing you're gonna lose it.
So what is it all about? 

Perhaps collecting nice moments.
Perhaps forgetting the bad ones.
Perhaps the whole package of broken dreams 
and unexpected blessings.
Perhaps it's all about getting distracted
while losing this unfair fight.

Monday, 10 September 2012


Why do people believe that
taking a shower of reality 
is better than bathing in illusion?

Not Worth

little creature.
I can't even hate you.
In our veins runs the same blood.
Bloody fact: we're related-
and still, I appreciate the silence who lives between us.
The loudest silence I've ever heard.

Saving me the lies
and the injustice.

Saving me the disappointments
and the anger.

Saving me the hope for one day to have someone decent around.

Bitter? I'm not bitter.
I just opened my eyes and didn't like what I saw.

little creature.
You're not worth my hatred.


Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do, about you now

Back beat, the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I
Would like to say to you but I don't know how

Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do, about you now

And all the roads that lead you there are winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I
Would like to say to you but I don't know how

[Repeat x2]
I said maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall

Barbed Wire

Our relation?
Strong it is
like steel.
We're connected forever.

Pity it's a painful barbed wire
holding me tight
cutting my flesh
never letting me go.

Holding me, so I won't fall
while strangling me
and watching me die slowly.

Our relation?
Very strong it is, indeed.
We're connected forever.


Tumblr_ma41es4km11rv3rsuo1_500_largeAnd even if you went to the moon
it would hunt you down
and make you miserable.

And even if you spent
your whole life running from it
it would find you.

It'll chase you forever
stop caring
stop running
stop worrying
stop wondering
stop crying
stop hoping.