
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I Saw

I saw your wings. 
I saw them. 
They were there: large and white, 
making you fly above me like an angel. 
You were strong and beautiful
and your sparkling smile made my heart smile-
wherever you were, things were good.
I saw your kind eyes and felt the warmth you spread
wherever you went.
As if you brought sun to darkness, 
enlightening everything around you.
Your hug was soft and loving and felt like home.
I saw all this in you. 
Until I opened my eyes
and you weren't an angel anymore
you were a snake
crawling on the ground
black and red with a poisonous tongue.
You were scaly and hideous
and your dangerous grin made my heart freeze-
wherever you were, things became evil.
I saw your mad eyes and felt the poison you spread
wherever you went.
As if you brought darkness to the light
darkening everything around you.
Your clasp was hard and viperish and felt like death.
I saw all this in you.

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