She’s got dark brown eyes that remind me of bitter chocolate.
She could have become bitter, but chose to be happy instead. Her family, like many others, didn’t make it easy for her. They tried to push her down, but didn’t succeed- she was and still is so much stronger. Her power comes from the inside, as if she carried a fire in her heart
ready to warm
whoever is feeling cold.
There, deep inside she’s got this strength so many lack of. Strength that helped her during her battles against evil she’s encountered everywhere, among friends, among family members...she’s grown tough now. Her big, dark, eyes are surrounded by black, neverending eyelashes that frame her cordial and sincere look. As if her look were a wrapped gift.
She’s got voluptuous lips that remind me of cherries. Even when she says bad things, it sounds sweet. Her smile feels like a cosy hug and her velvet voice always knows how to comfort you.
She’s got black hair that remind me of the cloaks the wizards wear in the Harry Potter movies. Long, smooth and magic cloaks waving in the wind fighting for good.
Some people make the sun shine when they’re close and she definetely is one of those...sparkling, shining, bright and comforting, where she is,
things are good.
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