
Friday, 30 March 2012

Wonder Why

The day you stop wondering why
you'll feel death
holding your neck tight
and saying: Ready, then?
She collects people who
stop wondering why.

She wishes
There is this lovely little girl
blond like an angel with huge blue eyes
so pretty, everybody fulfills her wishes.
And she wishes a lot.
She's the centre of the universe and
she is so sweet you must love her,
you just can't help it.
She builds this huge castle made of sand,
warm, shiny sand on a beautiful beach.
She builds up high walls and
pretends to be the Queen of the castle.

And she is worshipped 
and loved 
and people obey her. 

But time passes and as she grows up
she starts understanding
she's not the centre of the universe.
Some people don't love her.
The sand castle crumbles.
She sees people turning their backs
when she demands attention and obedience.
How? How could this happen?
Wasn't she the Queen?

There she is, this lovely woman
blond like an angel with huge blue eyes
so pretty and nobody cares.
And she wishes a lot.

Thursday, 29 March 2012


I am the Narcissus
I've got the right to grow wherever I want.
I've got my own opinions and don't worry 
if you don't like them.
I am so beautiful
look at me!
White and yellow, sparkling in the sunlight, 
smelling of freshness and health.
Bees and butterflies can't get enough of me because 
I'm so delicious.
I demand 
you to water me and take care with my leaves.
I don't have deep roots, so don't pull on me.
Let me grow stronger and admire me
smell on me
and take pictures.
But don't touch me, because I don't like it.
Don't question me, because I have no reasons.
Don't tell me I'll be dead soon.
Don't mention my blossoms will wilt
and other plants will grow
and nobody will remember my beauty.
Just admire me, because
I am the Narcissus.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

And still

Necro Devil
You've got a meeting
with the devil.
You know it's gonna hurt
you're soul is gonna burn
you're gonna feel miserable for a while
and the scars will remain.
You'll be stepping deep
it's gonna feel like a free fall.
You could choose not to meet him.
But you're curious
and you want to show him how strong you are
and how good you manage everything.
And it's gonna be almost unbearably painful
but you'll be smiling sweetly
and pretending
you're feeling so great,
trying so hard to show him 
that he can't do anything to wound you.
You're gonna leave this meeting
with your feet burning
and you're stone heart crumbling to sand
and your eyes bleeding, 
'cause the tears have gone long time ago
and with this fake frozen smile on your face.
You'll be licking your fresh wounds for so long...
and still
you want to meet the devil. 


It is war, but it isn't!
Everyone inside these tanks
but they aren't tanks.
They are black or white or red
and the ones inside feel like
they got to fight for territory
and threaten the weaker ones,
who are walking around,
getting in the way of the stronger ones.
People get hurt
and die
and nothing changes.
They drive over the white butterflies
of vanished souls
and honk to get there faster?
Get faster where?

Vocal Chords

When people shout
they are wrong.
That's just it.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


When you get close to the three
you grow confidence enough
to treat well your doubts.
When you get close to the three
you really comprehend
that you know nothing
and certainties are tricky.
That's when you make peace with your doubts
that you used to hate so much.
You start treating them as best friends.
They are with you wherever you go
constantly reminding you of
choices you can make
and ways you can take.
Don't send them away.

Sun Spot

I like the sound 
of raindrops on my window and 
the way my curtains dance at night when they meet the wind.
I like to see 
the shade of leaves on the pavement
and the way ants walk in a queue carrying parts of nature on their tiny backs.
I like to play 
with the serviettes while waiting for my lunch
and form them in the shape of butterflies.
I like to smile 
at strangers and wait for them to smile back
while they wonder why I am smiling.
I like to smell 
the food before I taste it and
organise it for the best to be my last bite.
I like to walk 
barefoot on a lawn and feel the blade of grass
prick my feet and tickle my toes.
I like the smell 
of fresh coffee and new books
as if my ideas could dance on the milk foam 
and jump on the pages.
I like the warmth
of the sun spot on my desk and to sleep
hugging a huge pillow .

Monday, 26 March 2012

Feeding Bowl

Or: The day she ate parts of her leg

There is this ruin. The rotten rest of a green wooden house on a lot covered by plants and trees and bushes. You hardly see it. In the back of the rotten ruin is another little house made of stone. A small stone path leads to this house and sometimes you see some clothes hanging on a clothesline. You can see this through the front gate, a green steel gate with strong bars. There is also a dog, a medium-sized, white mongrel with brown spots called Mancha. It’s a nice female dog that causes the other dogs on the street despair when in heat. She’s always sitting on the gate bars looking at the street.

Mancha was getting skinnier every day. Neighbours wondered if she had been put on a diet. One day she escaped. She was in heat once more and so skinny she had managed to pass through the bars of the front gate.  The street is very short and people know each other. They tried to protect Mancha from the other street dogs that attacked her. She looked awful, scared, shaking in distress and so skinny you saw each and every bone of her skeleton. A neighbour finally caught her. The green steel gate was locked. They called some more neighbours to open the gate and enter the house. Rogerio saw it first. He entered the kitchen and saw blood on the floor. The smell of blood, mould, pee and dirt was gross. Then he saw the leg. Flesh. Was she dead? Had this old lady, who lived there, died without anyone noticing it? He came closer. She was lying on the floor. Her right leg was cut open and the flesh wasn’t even red anymore. 
She was breathing! 
Mumbling things. Help! Neighbours carrying her. Water! Ambulance! 
She had fallen and hurt her leg. She called for help but nobody had heard it. She couldn’t feed the dog, that started to lick her blood from the wound. After three days without food the dog had bit a part of her leg. Eaten it. Which probably saved her from the grubs. She thought at least the dog would survive eating her corpse. 
For a long time the old lady didn’t show up. She was in hospital and rumors told she would live with some relatives far away.
After 7 months the clothingline was there again. Mancha sitting on the green steel gate, bulky from tons of food in her feeding bowl, but now the neighbours had a key to the gate. 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Spring Blossom

There is something wrong with my time feeling
it's like my biological clock never accepted the fact 
that I live on the Southern hemisphere.
It's March. 
My body tells me, it should be spring.
It waits for the flowers to blossom and
the sun to come back
while it gets warmer every day.
It should be the beginning of light
not the end.
It's autumn! How can it be autumn now?
Easter bunnies, chocolate, flowers, people waiting for the summer...
But it's all the opposite! 
It feels so wrong every year. 


What we have in common?
Our bloody past.

The day I decided not to eat Pizza anymore

No matter how long I live here, there are just some things I'll never understand. Have you ever tried to eat out in a Pizzeria with Brazilians ? There are so many steps to follow (not to mention the existent flavours) ! Unbelievable. 

First, you got to call 7 friends. It seems like you only go for Pizza with at least 8 people. Usually it's weekend and you keep on calling people for at least 1 h. Let's say you start at 8 pm, 'cause dinner here is pretty late. You call friend A and B, who invite friend C and talk to friend D, who calls you back to set where and when you'll meet. Friend F (you don't know who invited F) calls you, saying he'll arrive a little later (which means almost midnight). Alright. You, A,B,C and D bring your girlfriends/boyfriends and meet at place X around 9:30.(Deciding the place was another loooong discussion). F will be there later and asked for you to keep some Pizza for him. 

When you and your friends arrive at the Pizzeria, you need to find a table that suits you all. B's girlfriend is a bitch and doesn't want to sit next to the kitchen. D is allergic to smoke and doesn't want to sit next to the smoking area. C believes air conditionings are evil and prefers to sit far away from them.You are getting hungrier and hungrier and start thinking of McDonald's. 

The waiter politely moves chairs, tables and asks other customers to sit somewhere else, so you  and the bunch of people with you stop annoying everyone. Great! You're sitting and ask for a can of GuaranĂ¡, 'cause you're already exhausted. STOP! Stop? But I just ordered my drink...No, come on, let's ask for 2L bottles, it's much cheaper. Ah, alright. They decide to ask for Coke. You hate Coke. It's so sweet it sticks on your teeth for two weeks. But you do not want to offend your Brazilian you shut up and drink it. 

The menue! Finally you see food, at least pictures of yummy food! Chicken heart Pizza? Strogonoff Pizza? What the hell is that? Ice Cream Pizza. Strawberry, Coconut try to find a HAM Pizza. That sounds great- ham and mushrooms. You're from Germany, so pork is always your first choice. You weren't expecting the following: Everyone is discussing the flavours to order them altogether. It means: you, A and his girlfriend, B and his bitchy girlfriend, C and her friend and D with his girlfriend have to decide ALTOGETHER the flavours. They count one Pizza for 3 people and on each pizza you got 4 flavours, which means you'll spend the next 30 minutes discussing loudly but politely with your friends. And you can't stop looking at that ham and mushroom pizza picture you hold in your hands. You try to include your desire of ham and mushrooms, and the reactions are like: Ham? How boring! Nobody here likes mushrooms. Let's ask for Chicken with mini French fries and Catupiri (weird Brazilian cheese). Yay! Let's ask for Beef Pizza with Eggplant, Calabresa (greasy sausage slices), Chicken heart and the Portuguese Pizza. (Portuguese Pizza is greasy sausage slices, EGG, pepper, lots of onions, and whatever else can be found in the kitchen).  

Alright. You give up. You smile and wait. They order. You drink coke. Loud chatting everywhere. Cross chatting (actually shouting).Your friend sitting next to you is saying something, but you can't hear him. So you smile and nod. You remember there was one flavour they ordered you could actually like: something with barbecue pork slices and onions. After 40 minutes the waiters bring the Pizzas. You desperately try to recognise the Pork one. It's there! You can see the waiter carrying it to the friend who is sitting the furthest from you. In front of you: Chicken heart and something else you do not recognise. Smile. Breathe. Wait. Loud chatting, people cutting Pizzas and serving each other. You ask for help, could anyone serve you a piece of that Pizza there? After the third time it works: you got your piece. It's already cold the coke in front of you is warm. Everyone is happy but you. What's wrong with you? You're hungry, thirsty, tired and the bill will be 50 bucks. That's when you decide you hate Pizza. 
By the way: Friend F never showed up and you ended up getting the rest of the Pizza you hate to take home. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

More or less

And when he killed your child 
you want him to rot in hell.
And when your child killed
you pray for him and visit him 
and you want the judge to rot in hell
and when you're the judge you know
there's neither hell
nor heaven.
No angels or devils.
They're just people.
Some more human
some less.



They stink of lasciviousness,
beer and cigarettes.
They're old and got hair on their ears
even the younger ones look like animals.
They come behaving like predators
pretending to be strong and unbeatable.
Smeary smile.
Then they give orders
to bite
and start hackling like happy dogs.
Their faces become red grimaces. 
Disgusting white liquid.
We wash our mouths with Whisky and wait. 

Body Parts

I know he didn't ask for it
but I gave him my fingers.
All of them.
When there weren't any left
I gave him the palm of my hands.
And when I didn't have any hands 
I gave him both of my arms.
He didn't ask for it,
but I gave him my shoulders,
I knew he needed them.
And he looked at me
when I gave him my breast
and my stomach
and my back
and my legs.
Both of my knees.
He didn't ask for it, 
but I saw he needed my feet
and each of my toes.
And when I surrendered my heart
he smiled and walked away.
My head aches.


Thoughtless thoughts are no real thoughts. 
The thoughtless thinking of thoughts is senseless. 

Thor II

There is this black guy riding his bike 
on the way home after work.
He isn't very nice to people, so he doesn't have many friends. 
But he is black and poor. A fact that so far was not being discussed. He is in a hurry and crosses the street with his bike, without looking back.He doesn't see the car.

There is this white guy driving his McLaren on the way home after meeting some friends.
Even being a billionaire, he somehow managed to be a really nice person. He gave some friends a lift home and afterwards headed to his own home, which is, of course, the coolest house ever seen in this country. Suddenly he hit something.

Who will be guilty?

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


There is this black guy riding his bike 
on the way home after work
in a country were most of the black guys 
don't get really good jobs
and there are no lanes for bikes.

There is this white guy driving his McLaren on the way home after meeting friends
in a country where white, young, men 
get a chance more easily
and don't have to follow all the rules.

They meet in the dark.
Who is stronger?

Pull me

There was someone in a hole
and the hole was getting larger
and I reached out to grab his hand
"Let me help you", I said.
The one just stared at me,
scared, sinking deeper in the hole.

So I climbed to the edge, 
to grab his shoulders and
pull the one out
while the hole was getting larger.
"Let me pull you out", I said.
But the one sank deeper 
and didn't reach out for my hand.

So I stepped closer to the hole
to grab both of his arms and
pull the one out
so he wouldn't die.
"Come with me, or you will die", I said,
while the hole was getting larger.

That's when I fell myself in the hole
that was getting larger.
The one just stared at me,
scared, sinking deeper in the hole,
grabbing me and pulling me closer to death.


So, God is dead?
Who the fuck killed him?
Call the police!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


There are many ways of manipulating others. 
But the most powerful tool
is called GUILT. 


It's dark and 
there is this wolf
howling in the cold looking up
to the bright shining moon
howling and howling
and looking up
and the moon 
doesn't give a shit.
When will this wolf stop howling?

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Want me

If it is too hot
I press a button and choose the air-conditioning’s temperature.
If it gets too cold 
I turn on my heating and enjoy the cosy warmth. 
If I’m bored 
I turn on the TV and choose between reality shows, blockbusters or alternative French movies.
If my shoes don’t match my clothes 
I go to the mall and buy new shoes.
If I don’t like my job 
I quit and get another one.
If I don’t like my town 
I move overseas.
If I am sick of my Religion
I start believing in something else.
If I don’t like my relatives 
I stop talking to them.
If I see my boobs are getting saggy
I get a plastic  surgery.
But if you 
don’t want me... 


I can't get no
I don't want no
My journey is my destiny
once I come to the end
it's done. 
I don't like ends.
It should be spelled SADisfaction.   
It's like cooking,
you buy stuff, select each and every single ingredient
chop, slice, prepare...
Turn the oven on,
have high expectations,
picturing how yummy
the food will be. 
Anticipating pleasure.
Then you garnish the plates
serve the dish
and when you've eaten
you get sad and lazy
and maybe even a stomach ache. 

I don't like ends.
I choose never to be satisfied!
This will be my satisfaction.


Oh, look!

It really is round.

Friday, 16 March 2012

It's law

It’s law.
You must be happy. 
Your obliged to smile
and be pretty
and have fun. 
Have fun!
Fulfill your dreams!
Do things you like. 
Meet your friends!
Break up if your boyfriend doesn’t make you happy.
Buy a new couch if you don’t like the one you got.
Stop talking to people that annoy you. 
Only do cool stuff with cool people.
Have amazing sex!
Go to parties and dance.
Travel, cook, read...
Do whatever makes you happy.
Don't you dare be sad!
It’s law.
You must be happy.